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combinePDB Overview

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combinePDB Help Output

combinePDB Tutorial


 combinePDB Overview 

combinePDB is a program that combines two PDB files into one PDB file.

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 combinePDB Help Output (“combinePDB -h” output) 


  combinePDB (version 1.1.1) -- combines two PDB files into one PDB file


  combinePDB [options]

  CHARACTER OPTION___KEYWORD OPTION_______DESCRIPTION__________________________DEFAULT__________
  -i <filename> .. --input1=<filename> .. first input PDB file ............... stdin
  -j <filename> .. --input2=<filename> .. second input PDB file .............. none (required)
  -o <filename> .. --output=<filename> .. output PDB file .................... stdout
  -a <model#> .... --model1=<model#> .... MODEL # of first  input PDB file ... first model
  -b <model#> .... --model2=<model#> .... MODEL # of second input PDB file ... first model
  -c <chainids> .. --chainids=<str> ..... user replacement chain IDs ......... none
  -m <filename> .. --map=<filename> ..... generate file of atom changes ...... no map
  -n ............. --noidchange ......... do not change input PDB chain IDs .. chain IDs changed
  -p ............. --nopositionchange ... do not change position of records .. positions changed
  -x ............. --noresiduechange .... do not change residue numbers ...... residues  changed

  -h ............. --help ............... prints help (Enter 'combinePDB -h' for help.)
  <NO OPTIONS> .......................... shorter option synopsis (Enter 'combinePDB'.)
                   --license ............ prints license terms for combinePDB.


  combinePDB combines two PDB files into one PDB file.

  combinePDB reads two existing input PDB files and writes a new output PDB file.
  The output PDB file will contain all specified ATOM, HETATM, TER, and CONECT records
  from both input files. CONECT records will be updated to reflect new indexing.
  By default, chain identifiers and residue serial numbers will be assigned unique
  values, and chains will be written out sequentially by new alphanumeric chain order.
  Optionally, record order, chain identifiers, and residue serial numbers may be preserved.

  Input files are expected to be in PDB format. Option '--input1=' ('-i') specifies
  the first input filename. If option '--input1=' ('-i') is not present, input will
  be read from stdin. Option '--input2=' ('-j') specifies the second input filename.

  Option '--model1=' ('-a') may be used to specify the MODEL number of the first input
  PDB file to process. Option '--model2=' ('-b') may be used to specify the MODEL
  number of the second input PDB file to process. MODEL option values of '1' or more
  will match the first encountered MODEL having the specified MODEL number. A MODEL
  option value of '0' will match the first (implicitly or specifically labelled) MODEL.
  By default (i.e., when no '--model#=', '-a', or '-b' is used), the first MODEL
  (perhaps implicit if no MODEL records exist) from each input file is processed;
  this is equivalent to '--model1=0' and '--model2=0' ('-a 0' and '-b 0').

  Option '--output=' ('-o') specifies the output filename. If option '--output=' ('-o')
  is not present, output will be written to stdout.

  New "REMARK 250" lines will be added to the output PDB specifying execution details.

  By default, chain identifiers will be altered as required to produce an output file
  with unique chain identifiers. Chain identifiers are filled in the order of the
  94 listed characters below (i.e., the first listed are the first used):

     'A' to 'Z'
     '0'  '1'  '2'  '3'  '4'  '5'  '6'  '7'  '8'  '9'
     'a' to 'z'
     '!'  '"'  '#'  '$'  '%'  '&'  '''  '('  ')'  '*'  '+'  ','  '-'  '.'  '/'  ':'
     ';'  '<'  '='  '>'  '?'  '@'  '['  '\'  ']'  '^'  '_'  '`'  '{'  '|'  '}'  '~'

  Option '--chainids=' ('-c') specifies a string of user supplied replacement chain
  identifiers, allowing chains of the combined output PDB file to be arbitrarily labeled.
  The user supplied replacement chain identifier string can be any size, can be set with
  any non-NULL character, and can contain multiple occurrences of the same character.
  If the user supplied replacement chain identifier string starts and ends with either
  a single quote (''') or a double quote ('"'), then these quotes will be treated as
  string delimiters and not as chain indentifiers. When quotes are intended to be used
  as chain indentifiers, then the quote characters must: (i) be listed inside a quoted
  string and (ii) be preceded with a single backslash character ('\').

  [The wwPDB states that "The use of punctuation characters in the place of alphanumeric
   characters is discouraged." However, it is sometimes useful for temporary PDB files.]

  Non-contiguous input PDB file records that have identical chain indentifiers will
  be output with the associated output records having identical chain identifiers.

  If there are more chains in the combined output PDB file than there are replacement
  chain identifiers (either by default or user-supplied) then a space (' ') will be
  assigned as a chain identifier for all chains after the last replacement chain
  identifier has been assigned. If this occurs then a warning will be given (written
  to stderr). The space character is not one of the default replacement characters.

  [For more flexibility in setting chain identifiers, use 'chainidPDB' after using
   combinePDB. 'chainidPDB' is a PDB filter for changing one or all chain identifiers.
   'chainidPDB' is a unix command line program from Weininger Works

  Option '--noidchange' ('-n') may be used to specify that input chain identifiers are
  to remain unchanged.

  By default, combinePDB fixes chains that have residues with duplicate residue sequence numbers.
  Option '--noresiduechange' ('-x') may be used to specify that input residue numbers are to
  remain unchanged; a warning will be generated when ambiguous residue numbers are output.

  By default, atoms will be written out sequentially by new alphanumeric chain order. The
  new chain order will consist of any existing or specified chains in the following order:

     'A' - 'Z'
     '0' - '9'
     'a' - 'z'
     ' ' (space)
     < all other ASCII values from 1 to 127, inclusive >

  When the '--nopositionchange' ('-p') option is used, the output PDB file will contain all
  specified ATOM, HETATM, TER, and CONECT records from both input files in the following order:

     ATOM, HETATM, and TER records from first  input PDB file
     ATOM, HETATM, and TER records from second input PDB file
     CONECT records from first  input PDB file
     CONECT records from second input PDB file

  The option '--map=' ('-m') may be used to generate a text file listing atom changes.
  No map file is generated by default.

  Any errors and warnings will be written to stderr.


  The following will combine in1.pdb and in2.pdb to out.pdb.

     With keyword options:

        combinePDB --input1=in1.pdb --input2=in2.pdb --output=out.pdb

     With character options:

        combinePDB -i in1.pdb -j in2.pdb -o out.pdb

  The following will combine in1.pdb and in2.pdb to out.pdb, and
  specifies that the chains in out.pdb will be labeled with chain
  identifiers taken in order from the string "13579acegikmoqsuwy".

     With keyword options:

        combinePDB --input1=in1.pdb --input2=in2.pdb --output=out.pdb  \

     With character options:

        combinePDB -i in1.pdb -j in2.pdb -o out.pdb -c "13579acegikmoqsuwy"


  combinePDB is a software program from Arthur Weininger (
  combinePDB is subject to a license; use the keyword option '--license' in order to view
  the license terms. Your use of this software contitutes an agreement to the license terms.
  Do not use this software if you do not agree to the license terms.

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 combinePDB Tutorial 

The Picornavirus Monograph Superposition Shell Script gives examples of using combinePDB.

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