All the changes that have been made to the monoscript since initial posting are listed below. These corrections are listed in the order of their monoscript appearance.
→ None of the following corrections affect the content of the manuscript. ←
Date | Section | Description |
2022 July 7 | Downloadable PDF files | The downloadable PDF files of this picornavirus monograph have been updated with the corrections dated “2018 Aug 30”. These corrections are listed below. The page header of these updated PDF files shows “26 Nov. 2016 r1” as a designation for “revision 1”. The older (initial) picornavirus monograph may still be downloaded for reference: (Initial Monograph 12 MB PDF) (Initial Monograph 6 MB PDF) |
2018 Aug 30 | Errata Link | Errata page added concurrent with the first corrections made to original monograph. |
2018 Aug 30 | Authors | “Weininger Works Incorporated, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada” was removed from both authors. |
2018 Aug 30 | Supporting Information | Supporting Information file ICOS135.pdb altered to have appropriate formatting. Supporting Information, ICOS135.pdb had a CONECT record split into two CONECT records to conform to wwPDB standard. The CONECT record had five bonded atoms for HETATM 1; only four bonded atoms are allowed per CONECT line per the official wwpdb standard. The line: CONECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 was replaced by the following two lines: CONECT 1 2 3 4 5 CONECT 1 6 |
2018 Aug 30 | Sialic Acid Binding Domain in EV-D68 | In Results Section “Sialic Acid Binding Domain in EV-D68”, a residue was changed to match the used and cited residue. The line: The common sialic acid active site residues in the N6 neuraminidase [12] are: Y412 (tan), D157 (red), R124 (cyan), E227 (red), R158 (cyan), R 299 (cyan), and W185 (orange). was replaced by the following line: The common sialic acid active site residues in the N6 neuraminidase [12] are: Y412 (tan), D157 (red), R124 (cyan), G227 (red), R158 (cyan), R 299 (cyan), and W185 (orange). |
2018 Aug 30 | Sialic Acid Binding Domain in EV-D68 | In Results Section “Sialic Acid Binding Domain in EV-D68”, Figure 1 location references were changed to match used and labelled figure 1 locations. The line: The Figure 1 sections containing putative sialic acid binding site residues are marked with subsection title suffix “-SW” in the Figure 1 row labelled “SUBSECTION DESCRIPTOR MARKER” (i.e., E75 (red, Figure 1 Section I13-1), Y76 (yellow, Figure 1 Section I13-1), D140 (red, Figure 1 Section M-8), W163 (orange, , Figure 1 Section M-12), R223 (blue, Figure 1 Section I1-5), E227 (red, Figure 1 Section M-13), R270 and R284 (blue, Figure 1 Section M-16)). was replaced by the following line: The Figure 1 sections containing putative sialic acid binding site residues are marked with subsection title suffix “-SW” in the Figure 1 row labelled “SUBSECTION DESCRIPTOR MARKER” (i.e., E75 (red, Figure 1 Section I13-1), Y76 (yellow, Figure 1 Section I13-1), D140 (red, Figure 1 Section M-8), W163 (orange, , Figure 1 Section M-12), R223 (blue, Figure 1 Section A-2), E227 (red, Figure 1 Section M-13), R270 (blue, Figure 1 Section I1-5), and R284 (blue, Figure 1 Section M-16)). |
2018 Aug 30 | Figure 4 | Figure 4 Panel H6 had missing panel label 'H6' added. |
2018 Aug 30 | Figure 7 | In Figure 7 Panel B Description, an 's' was added for a plural (grammar). The line: …a complete set of nine destination point for… was replaced by the following line: …a complete set of nine destination points for… |
2018 Aug 30 | Figure 11 | In Figure 11 Description, a residue was changed to match the used and cited residue. The line: Figure 11 Panel A shows the influenza N6 neuraminidase [49] cartoon and residue spheres of: Y412 (tan), D157 (red), R124 (cyan), E227 (red), R158 (cyan), R 299 (cyan), and W185 (orange). was replaced by the following line: Figure 11 Panel A shows the influenza N6 neuraminidase [49] cartoon and residue spheres of: Y412 (tan), D157 (red), R124 (cyan), G227 (red), R158 (cyan), R 299 (cyan), and W185 (orange). |
2018 Aug 30 | Figure 11 | In Figure 11 Description, panel reference was changed to match figure. The line: Panel D adds green residue spheres of sialic acid to Panel A. was replaced by the following line: Panel B adds green residue spheres of sialic acid to Panel A. |
2018 Aug 30 | Figure 11 | In Figure 11 Description, Figure 1 location references were changed to match used and labelled figure 1 locations. Also an extra comma was removed. The line: Figure 11 Panel C shows a cartoon of EV-D68 VP1 and spheres for residues that we have identified in the Figure 1 row labelled “SUBSECTION DESCRIPTOR MARKER” with the subsection title suffix “-SW” (i.e., E75 (red, Figure 1 Section I13-1), Y76 (yellow,,Figure 1 Section I13-1), D140 (red, Figure 1 Section M-8), W163 (orange, Figure 1 Section M-12), R223 (blue, Figure 1 Section I1-5), E227 (red, Figure 1 Section M-13), R270 and R284 (blue, Figure 1 Section M-16) residues). was replaced by the following line: Figure 11 Panel C shows a cartoon of EV-D68 VP1 and spheres for residues that we have identified in the Figure 1 row labelled “SUBSECTION DESCRIPTOR MARKER” with the subsection title suffix “-SW” (i.e., E75 (red, Figure 1 Section I13-1),Y76(yellow, Figure 1 Section I13-1), D140 (red, Figure 1 Section M-8), W163 (orange, Figure 1 Section M-12), R223 (blue, Figure 1 Section A-2), E227 (red, Figure 1 Section M-13), R270 (blue, Figure 1 Section I1-5), and R284 (blue, Figure 1 Section M-16) residues). |
2018 Aug 30 | Figure 12 | In Figure 12 Panel H Description, residue was changed to match the used and cited TMEV structure TMEV-2 (1TMF.pdb). The line: Panel H shows TMEV-2 VP3 protein spheres (tan) with dark brown N58-S59-N60-N61-K62-R63-Y64 residue marker spheres. was replaced by the following line: Panel H shows TMEV-2 VP3 protein spheres (tan) with dark brown N58-T59-N60-N61-K62-R63-Y64 residue marker spheres. |
2018 Aug 30 | Figure 12 | In Figure 12 Panel L Description, panel reference was changed to match figure. The line: Panel L shows the superposition of Panels J and L. was replaced by the following line: Panel L shows the superposition of Panels J and K. |
2018 Aug 30 | Figure 12 | In Figure 12 Panel P Description, protein reference was changed to match the used and labelled figure. The line: Panel P shows TMEV-1 3xVP1234 pentamer VP1 structure cartoons (in yellow) and the TMEV-1 marker spheres. was replaced by the following line: Panel P shows TMEV-1 3xVP1234 pentamer VP3 structure cartoons (in yellow) and the TMEV-1 marker spheres. |
2018 Aug 30 | Figure 12 | In Figure 12 Panel Q Description, protein reference was changed to match the used and labelled figure. The line: Panel Q shows TMEV-2 3xVP1234 pentamer VP1 structure cartoons (in tan) and the TMEV-2 marker spheres. was replaced by the following line: Panel Q shows TMEV-2 3xVP1234 pentamer VP3 structure cartoons (in tan) and the TMEV-2 marker spheres. |